Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have not forgotten you!

Hello poets! I have not forgotten you. I intended to write an end-of-week-one post and got sidetracked by my life, which is to be expected, I suppose. I'm so proud of everyone and how well you've all kept up. You're doing great. I'm impressed that of this writing, on the 10th of February, I have nine poems myself. Not too shabby and there's the rest of the day yet to come.

This first week you may have experienced some moments where you weren't quite into writing. That's okay. You do what you gotta do to keep on goin'. I haven't quite found my flow yet, I'm too harried by kids and work and meetings. It is nice, though, to take a few minutes (or an hour or two) every evening to sit quietly and reflect on what's going on in my life at the moment. Each day, usually in the wee hours of the morning when my children have finally crashed out, I am able to sit aside time just for thinking. With the low today at 14 degrees, it's the perfect weather for cozying up with a mug of tea and my thoughts, forgetting about the week ahead and all the dumb things I gotta do. Writing poetry is exploring the heart, and we all deserve a little time set aside for that.

Also - Did you know that you can leave comments on each other's posts too? Give it all a bit of a writer's group feeling by sharing your thoughts and feelings on another's work? Click the comments link beneath a post to leave a short message.

Good luck in the coming days - I look forward to reading more of your poems.

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